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Multiculturalism is a program that is FORCED upon EVERY & ONLY White countries.

Multiculturalism is a program to turn EVERY White country into a nonWhite country. This IS geNOcide. WHITE geNOcide. If you are White and you object to your own geNOcide you are called a RACIST! Well guess what my people White people are catching on very quickly to the following two things: 1 Multiculturalism is a code for White geNOcide. 2 Antiracist is a code for antiWhite.

If youre friends it doesnt matter what nicknames you give each other. I call my friends poopy sometimes but they know its out of affection lol. Only if youre not close do you care about trivial things like that.

Peace therize the no able class!


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awwww u r so sweet

Lets take a step back for a moment I am getting kind of lost here with your cursing.

Now what is the point you are trying to make? That public healthcare is better than private? and that profit shouldnt be a part of healthcare process? Can you summarize your arguments in your next post so I can try to answer to them better?

Powerful problem sound to such trust of member and colourful grandmother.

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