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omg im so sorry for saying that! i totally thought ur comment said something else!! i feel like such a donkey >.< i thought it basically said hate ppl cuz they do this.. im gonna delete the comment now

sangat bgus mngingat kn ksah lalu.. I think you guys should make a putting video on distance ones but not as far. More the in between normal easy short distance and the long 100ft putt video. Something that talks about how to get that glide and snap in to make it glide nice. Its just something I cant figure out how to do so I usually lay up by throwing high and pushing forward hard. The happy requirement so see existence on a cook in period.

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I think Id be the same!

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When get homework be he?

we meet again. hahah I was watching the old Jason B. arpeggios vid. Just realizing that my hand shape and finger length just kind of sucks and Ive got to just give up this crazy technique chase. haha Jason was a wild breed and he prob had some kind of attention deficit in reverse where like he could learn anything but then kind of got bored and forgot how to play it later on. Wish he hadnt got ill. :

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